50th Reunion Recap
Greetings, Classmates!

What a great 50th Class Reunion we had. Two hundred fifty classmates and guests packed the main ballroom of the Radisson Hotel in Plymouth, Massachusetts for the reunion dinner which was the highlight event of the 3-day reunion. Classmates from a majority of the 50 States returned to New England to join classmates who have remained domiciled in eastern Massachusetts and greater New England. While everyone there knew 50 years had passed, their memories were fresh. Old acquaintances were renewed. Smiles were everywhere and genuine; the best of humanity was on display. Exhilaration was everywhere. That's a great reunion. That was our 50th reunion.

Pictures of the reunion have been posted on class website which can be accessed using the link  https://weymouthhighschoolclassof62.com  Just copy this link and insert into your web browser. Once into the website, select the tab "Photo Albums". Once in the Photo Album, there will be several additional, clearly labeled albums which you can select with just a click of your mouse. Just select the one you want to see. In addition to reunion pictures, a digital copy of our Weymouth High School Class of 1962 year book titled Campus is included just in case you have misplaced your copy over the years. 

If you have pictures you would like to add from any of the reunion events or from past reunions, please upload them following the onscreen instructions. We will ensure they get posted. 

Our Website will be up for at least five years until 2017 and possibly longer. If you have not yet entered your profile, please do.  We would like to see many more posted or updated.  To add your profile, click on the Classmates button. It will ask for your profile information, a user name, and password. Provide the requested information. Once that is done, a notice will be sent to our class administrators to upload your information.  If you have any questions, contact Ralph Stewart at  ralphstewart44@msn.com  or Millie WHITE 
Ficarra at  Millie_ficarra@yahoo.com  or Gus Scully at  gscully85@gmail.com  or by using the "Contact Us" button on the website’s main menu tab on the left side of the website home page. It's easy to use.  

We look forward to seeing you in 2017.

The WHS Class of 62 Reunion Committee